Wednesday, May 27, 2020

ISSUE 56 | JUNE 2020


MBE Business Magazine, ‘Issue # 56’ is a critical and key issue that consists of articles and contents related to Coronavirus pandemic, medically termed as COVID-19. A phase in Canada & the rest of the world, that saw many businesses in complete lock-down and hence, many businesses were found closed according to the Govt. laws.

The lock-down phase holds issues of vital elements, especially with people working remotely from home and other remote areas. At the same time, it’s not affecting the quality, quantity and standards of working as the working hours were still the same, as normal working hours. This is all in progress with an effective use of technology that includes Zoom, Skype & other digital media platforms.

An Article from CEO & President Syed Mansoor Ali Naqvi, outlining the importance levels attached to optimism in the current times of the pandemic. The President’s views are very critical as to why optimism is such a necessity in these times of the Pandemic and how optimism can change the course of the current situation.

Positivity and positive attitude holds values of courage and motivation in the COVID scenario, where most places are under a lock-down due to the intensity of the Coronavirus cases increasing immensely world-wide.

A positive psychology is much needed to handle such a scenario, as it is more important than identifying medical ways to handle a similar situation or a disease. Having said that, the precautionary measures are necessarily needed as being vital apart from what needs doing largely from a psychological point of view.

Another key article from Syed Mahmood Naqvi, Vice President MBE Group, which identifies aspects related to COVID-19, and Govt.’s incentives on small businesses. Incentives and programs for small businesses have indeed helped in stability as COVID-19 has been a devastation in terms of the global effects that it has undergone. The announcements made by the Govt. of Canada are indeed a step forward in making things stable in terms of the financial stability scenarios.

Syed Alamdar Hussain, The Country Head of The MBE Group’s article on history of pandemics and epidemics is a research based article. It shows with historical evidences that how other similar pandemics like COVID-19, has affected the world globally & scientifically. These includes HIV, most commonly known as AIDS, E-bola, Zika Virus, The Russian Plague and The Spanish Flu. All lasting for a while and bringing devastations for considerable periods of time to economy of Europe and The United States mostly.

An article on Climate Change and Environment category is regards to highlighting the issues that Climate Change crisis will be tackling in 2020 in Canada. These four issues are significant in terms of the radical changes Canada is facing due to the Climate Change, and ways in which it will impact the environmental sustainability aspects.

What is Good Friday & Its purpose in Christianity, a religious article that shows how important is Good Friday in Canada and the rest of the Western world? It holds immense values to Christianity & Jesus Christ as it marks the crucifixion and the death of Jesus Christ when he was crucified. Jesus Christ, is the most regarded and most sacred personalities in The Christian world.

It is the religion that is most practiced in the world today, as the teachings and sacrifices made by Jesus Christ are part of the preaching on this Holy Day, i.e. Good Friday. The Vatican City, near Rome Italy, is the most sacred city in the world for Christians as it is the residence of the Pope. The current Pope is Pope Francis from Argentina, and he resides in The Vatican City.

How Coronavirus has impacted & dented the global economy financially and has been a huge disadvantage for most nations of the world? How long will the impacts last in North America and how long it will take to heal up and recover? It has not only shown new dimensions of health & safety to the world, but also shown how to recover from similar situations that can hurt the economy. Health & Safety is an ongoing and a global issue that needs to be addressed strategically.

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