Thursday, May 21, 2020

ISSUE 33 | JULY 2017

MBE Business Magazine, Issue#33 from July 2017 holds vital significance being one of the most wanted issues in the month of July. An article from Syed Mansoor Ali Naqvi on True happiness in life, and what exactly is true happiness. Syed Mansoor Ali Naqvi’s personal experiences are penned down by him in form of an article. The way managers can motivate themselves and their team with words of wisdom and motivation is highly inspirational. Change management article from HR, and how HR can prepare for the Four Phases of Change. How Corporate Social responsibility plays a huge role in Canadian markets and the idea behind Corporate Social responsibility and its importance levels. The power of happiness in attaining your targets and how effectively you can use that power in the real world. A world full of opportunities needs optimism to achieve the power of happiness. 

An article that is based on theories of happiness and the relationship of happiness with many other things that make people happy. What can make you happy, as an entrepreneur, a corporate office worker, an artist, a media personality or someone who is into regular charity work? Syed Mansoor Naqvi’s personal ideas and general thoughts on how to be happy i.e. through friends and relatives, neighbors and charity work that can give you immense sense of accomplishment. It’s not only the sense of achievement, it’s the sense of accomplishment that really counts for an individual. Achieving things for a particular person in life makes him feel proud of his accomplishments and that pride is carried forward in form of examples being created. A quote by Ben Sweetland sums it up for people that “Happiness is a journey not a destination”. It is something that is a part of your journey and helps you every day in reaching your destination. 

Syed Alamdar Hussain, Country Head MBE Inc. on How Managers Can Motivate Employees with words & Action. This article from Country Head is based on pure leadership attitude of Managers and how they can influence their learning & leadership with words of appreciation, motivation and wisdom. The role played by Perks and incentives in motivating the employees for higher and better options with the company. Everyone loves to move up in the ladder and work for better and bigger options for the sake of their family and their own wealth management goals and targets. 

How HR can prepare for the four phases of Change is part of the change management articles that holds critical elements. This includes shock, resistance, learning & acceptance. All these four are key factors in determining the stages in HR recruitment & hiring & what are the strategies of change. 

Canada, and CSR or Corporate Social Responsibility is the element realized by Canadian companies to change themselves regards to green practices and the CSR activities. These green practices are vital elements apart from the charity campaigns that are part of the CSR activities. 

Another article from Syed Mahmood Naqvi on the Power of Happiness and it comes from within instead of others. This article is on self-actualization and self-motivation and holds an attitude of leadership at work. How to use the power of happiness to achieve what you want from yourself and what you want from your role at work. Syed Mahmood Naqvi’s article is an inspiration as he has penned down his experiences and his travels in the article with a huge influence regarding his achievements, all linked to happiness from the inside. 

A very significant article regards to the property industry is the risk associated to homes with flooding at time of sale. How these hazards can be encountered and what precautions needs to be taken for sustenance of property in the longer run. 

An interesting article from the entertainment industry is a review from the Film Wonder Woman that revolves around the concept first time of a Super Girl. A role played by Gal Gadot the heroine from Israel who has shown from het acting and dynamic skills that any women can compete as a Super human like men in films like Spider man, Bat Man, and Superman. 

The magazine is filled with adverts from MBE Insurance, MBE Accounting, MBBP/RMA Canada, with benefits from Cineplex, drug benefits and Home Insurance etc. A key advert regards to Deep Care dental and how members can get benefits for their dental treatment with couple card, student card, and solitary card. ATM and POS advert being a key advert for new business owners and how they can value their campaigns in the POS and ATM industry.

A real estate advert from M-City, the iconic flagship tower in the heart of Mississauga. The Royal LePage and Mansoor Naqvi Team advert is a highly interesting one that is highly appealing for the people of Canada in many ways. Gorgeous location in the heart of Mississauga where life meets the needs of people.

Another advert from MBE Mortgage is worth the audience as MBE is high in terms of its competitor’s property whether residential or commercial. An advert from MBE Core Business, another stylish and appealing advert that highlights the core businesses from MBE and what exactly is core in terms of values and value addition. MBE POS, MBE GLOBAL and MBBP along with construction and Accounting. An advert from MBE ATM showing the presence of MBE in ATM industry. 

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