Monday, February 1, 2021

ISSUE 62 I FEB 2021

MBE Business Magazine 62nd
The MBE Business Issue of FEB 2021’ is the second issue of Feb for the New Year 2021’. The articles included in the Business Magazine apart from the interviews and adverts are highly inspiring in terms of the impacts and highly practical regards to the reader’s feedback. The article from CEO& President Syed Mansoor Ali Naqvi, regards to achieving a paperless environment at workplace and how that environment can be highly impactful in the first place. Another article with a significantly expert advice from Syed Mahmood Naqvi, Vice President of MBE Group. The article is regards to the expected behaviors of real estate markets in the year 2021. The dependent factors of the behaviors in Real Estate markets in Canada is also discussed in the article with huge impact. Yet another key article from Syed Alamdar Hussain, the Country Head of MBE Inc. The article is regarding what is true sense of accomplishment and How to achieve it. The sense of accomplishment varies from various roles in which individuals are involved in and how sense of accomplishment varies from person to person in any business sector. How Coronavirus has affected various small businesses and the way businesses are flourishing during the pandemic. These small businesses includes a variety of small businesses that starts from grocery stores and ends up to the Mask Makers being the seasonal businesses due to pandemic. A marketing article signifies how to improve online visibility through branding. The importance of branding in the real life for companies and what are ways to improve brand visibility. This is in other words comparable to merchandising which is a marketing strategy incorporated in retail sector. Another article on COVID-19 vaccines and the way pharmacies are pushing to help people with COVID-19 vaccinations. On road to success you start experimenting with many different aspects, this article signifies the importance of accomplishment of working for yourself in 2021. Plays a vital part in entrepreneurship and significant ways of improving the entrepreneurial goals for the year 2021. In POS technology, how maintenance of good CRM strategies is good for the maintenance in POS systems. Values of patriotism attached to National Flag Day Canada. Sentiments of joys attached with the flag flying high in the sky, as Canada moves up in many lists in 2021. A flag holds values of patriotism, symbolism and holds true values for a country in terms of its prestige. Finally, an article of celebration of love all over the world that highly gives importance to the Valentine’s Day. Its history and its global significance is highly vital in times of depression and tension in 2021. An impactful article on Sir John MacDonald’s, the first Prime Minister of Canada and his efforts for rights of women and fight against the racism in Canada.

A highly significant and impactful article from CEO & Director Syed Mansoor Ali Naqvi on How to achieve a paperless environment in the year 2021. The benefits associated with going paperless and importance of a paperless environment in the New Year. It is not only impactful with increased security levels in the New Year but it’s also a huge necessity for a smooth workflow. Other reasons also includes making effective use of technology, taking care of the CSR activities (sustainability measures), managing paperless investments, and finally having a smooth workflow. It’s a new world phenomenon and makes things more organized and systematic for an easy management. Inclusive of waste management strategies it is indeed a smooth activity for all sort of future work flows.

The article from Country Head Syed Alamdar Hussain on what is True Sense of Accomplishment and how to achieve it. It is indeed part of the motivational values and also helps in creating goals and focus for those who are always looking for true sense of accomplishments. It defines your strategy and always helps in working beyond your limitations. Also holds values of emotional intelligence linking that with values of motivation. Motivation is the key to success and helps in a big way to achieve what you have been lacking since many years. Branding, a key part of the marketing strategies signifies the values attached to a specific brand. It simply improves the online visibility through branding and how visibility is key to a brand’s success in the market.

An article that will help the readers know what the Canada’s Top Jobs are in 2021 and they are the jobs in demand. All these jobs are key part of the recruitments and retention policies in 2021 and what jobs sectors are most in demand. These has been a change post and pre-pandemic in job industry in Canada and a lot is because of the financial crisis faced by companies.

How can you re-inforce your brand image with YouTube videos. Part of the social media campaigns and marketing, You Tube is very famous for marketing of videos and holds quality content despite its very common and predictive nature. You Tube in the modern business world is highly impactful as the popularity levels are very high as compared to similar video platforms. It shows views and comments that are the best way one can analyze their business, brand, and positioning in the dynamic markets. It is a highly impactful mediation tool as it has a huge marketing impact in the modern business environment.

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MBE is an independent, Canada based business solutions and services providing group that is envisioned to lead the industry through trend-setting innovation and ground-breaking ideas. Our utmost and highest commitment has stayed to offer exemplary support to our existing and potential customers and to ensure that our clients enjoy an experience that is above par.


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