Thursday, January 5, 2023

ISSUE 85 | JAN 2023

MBE Business Magazine, ISSU#85 contains some very energetic & appealing articles that are part of the Issue making it a great start to the Magazine in the New Year. The articles includes three of the best Management articles from President MBE, Vice President MBE & Country Head MBE apart from many more that are related to the current economy of Canada & the current affairs. An article from Syed Mansoor Ali Naqvi, ‘Respecting Talented People Identifying Their Strengths’ is a very powerful & inspirational article. Another article on Latest Immigration Policies 2023 is an article from VP Syed Mahmood Naqvi with a focus on Canada Global Talent Stream (GTS). Thirdly, the article from Syed Alamdar Hussain, Country Head MBE is on the topic “A Goal-Oriented Workforce truly means Success for a Company”. All these three management articles are highly inspirational regards to Work environment, working mechanisms, talent management & Immigration. Inspirational articles also includes on How to adapt To Canadian Work Cultures as a New Comer, there are many challenges that one has to come across while they need to adapt to Canadian Work Cultures & the values of Canadian people at the workplace. An article on Relationship Marketing & the best Relationship Marketing Strategies. How important it is to take vacations after days at work. Many other articles that are regarded as highly proactive & productive. An environment article on Climate Change and a very captivating one on the New Year Day & how the day is celebrated. The Issue is a very engaging one which is the first Issue of the New Year & worth the difference as it covers many diverse categories & topics of people’s interest.

An Article from Syed Mansoor Ali Naqvi, President MBE Inc. is an article that you would enjoy if you are a fan of new people & talented people. “Respecting Talented People Identifying Their Strengths” is an article which is for the sake of giving the due respect to the talented people & identifying their key strengths, i.e. where they are most capable at. The area or field that will really be an inspirational one for them. In the company, if you are in a Managerial role, how to be selective for talent, using key expertise of the talented people & using talent for the sake of good results.

An intriguing article from Syed Mahmood Naqvi on the latest trends in Immigration & How Canada is a land which is open for all. The article discusses that why the demands of the Canadian Govt. increasing are. Obviously, in terms of the need for people coming to Canada. Discussions regards to the various streams & programs for the people coming to Canada, an important one being Canada Global Talent Stream (GTS), apart from the Express entry program. Immigration policies are the most important way to comprehend with the needs of the people coming to Canada & the Canadian Govt. is taking this very seriously for sake of best results.

A very inspirational & motivational article by Syed Alamdar Hussain, the Country Head is on the topic of a “Goal-Oriented Workforce Truly Means Success for the Company”. The article on importance of a Work force that relies on being Goal-oriented & the fundamentals & pillars of relying heavily on targets. Whether, its sales or development of new business strategies which are an essential in a productive environment. Struggling for success in a productive environment means winning the race with the right strategy. The best possible strategy for sake of most positive results.

“Adapting to Canadian Work Culture as a New Comer” is regards to an article which is for sake of people who need to adapt to a new work culture, i.e. the Canadian Work Culture. It’s the body language that speaks volumes in the Canadian Work Cultures. The importance of the soft skills in Canadian workplaces is something that helps in terms of the communication & being communicative in a far more effective way. In the Canadian Workplace culture, the vital level of importance that sticks heavily to small talk is the most significant thing to achieve. Gelling around with Canadians in the culture if you are new shall really help you for positive results.

The Canadian Capital city Ottawa is a place to visit in 2023 with the best places to visit mentioned in the article. In short, it’s a guide that shall help you in best ways if you are new to Ottawa. The Canadian War Museum & the Parliament Hill are two gorgeous and most visited places for the people coming to Ottawa. This is apart from the National Gallery of Canada & the Canada Aviation & Space Museum.

In the field of Marketing, the marketing strategies holds a very powerful image. The best relationship marketing strategies that shall help to make powerful marketing strategies. How do the various brands use relationship marketing, also listening to the customer feedback and investing in Technologies that help with the CRM.

An article which might be your favorite one if you are missing your vacations or working since a long time. Be more passionate to enjoy your timeout and spend some time away from work. Relax in an environment you would love which is far more absorbing, lovely and full of adventure in terms of the outdoors & key features.

The first ISSUE of 2023, i.e. ISSUE#85 for January is an announcement or rather a statement to the most effective significance of the New Year. Another key highlight is the New Year article which includes the amount of fun & the amount of passion that holds for people on the occasion of the New Year 2023.

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MBE is an independent, Canada based business solutions and services providing group that is envisioned to lead the industry through trend-setting innovation and ground-breaking ideas. Our utmost and highest commitment has stayed to offer exemplary support to our existing and potential customers and to ensure that our clients enjoy an experience that is above par.


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